Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 1: The pandemic has been a constant worry for every country across the globe for the last two years. Ongoing research is constantly bringing new facts and theories to the front, which shows us a better way to fight the virus. One significant aspect of research findings is air quality, as revealed by the recent research and development work of Mr Mansoor Ali and his team at AMFAH India.
An organisation founded with the purpose of offering climate improvement solutions, Mansoor Ali and his team are dedicated to leveraging air quality solutions to battle the pandemic. He has been offering his expertise and support to the Maharashtra government during the current coronavirus pandemic too.
Relative Humidity and airborne transmission
It is a known fact that viral infections are easily transmitted when many people are in proximity to one another. However, it is Indoor Air that is too dry or too high in humidity that increases the risk of transmission as well as the survival of viruses. Transmission is most common in close range via droplets and airborne aerosols.
Some of the ground-breaking thoughts put forth by Mansoor Ali, Research Analyst & Indoor Air Quality expert, predicted COVID-19 wave in India and identified the scientific role of Ventilation Filtration Humidity in indoor environment towards breaking the virus and its chain.
“Understanding the role of relative humidity in the droplet spread of disease allows us to develop preventive measures that could aid in reducing the chance of transmission, particularly in an indoor environment. The self-cleaning process works best at a minimum humidity of 40 to 60% RH and is able to remove viruses from the body quickly,” reveals Mansoor.
Looking at air quality closely
Mansoor is a pioneer in India, identifying the growing needs of indoor Air Quality issues affecting human health and wellness with Humidity control. His Engineering R&D and association with leading Medical Doctors, Research associates and masters in the common domain makes his company Emerging as a Global leading brand in Air Treatment, Purification and Humidity Solutions.
Mansoor’s research had identified very early that Covid is airborne. He also joined the lead petition filed by Dr Stephanie Taylor from Harvard medical school to WHO in the first wave, ensuring COVID was acknowledged and declared as an airborne virus.
Major Concerns
“Air quality in our homes, in hospitals, offices, schools and other indoor spaces are a cause of concern. Lower air quality, with an imbalance of Relative humidity, weakens our immune system, making us susceptible to getting infected,” says Mansoor. When it comes to air quality, he highlights that each of us is breathing air, which is either too high or too low on humidity, temperature, and air quality. This is major because of re-circulated indoor ventilation.
Schools are reopening, and with kids being unvaccinated, parents are fearing the worst. According to the survey conducted by community platform Local Circles, around 36% of parents who have children attending school said that classes do not have good air ventilation. 41% of them have children who have their lunch indoors, which, the survey noted, puts them at a higher risk of getting infected with Covid-19.
Role of team AMFAH India in pandemic
Mansoor Ali and his team has been committedly working shoulder to shoulder with the frontline workers since the early days of the pandemic to help them breathe better quality air by installing their Latest innovation, Humidity Controlling Units (Patent Filed) in hospitals, police stations, war rooms and the like.
“We understood the importance of breathing good quality air when fighting COVID and during the peak days of the pandemic when the cases were severely on the rise. We collaborated with the MCGM Health Dept Mumbai to install our equipment at multiple hospitals, police stations, ICUs, war rooms, COVID shelters all across Mumbai. We also supported government offices and hospitals like KEM Hospital, Kasturba Hospital, Sion Hospital (Sion), Nair Hospital, ENT Hospital (Churchgate) and Trauma Center (Jogeshwari). We installed them at the Shivaji Nagar police station and Oshiwara police station. It is important to safeguard the frontline workers, and people who are taking care of us, and thus, giving them the gift of high-quality air is the least we can do. The pandemic is still not over, and we should all take the right step to maintain the humidity in the air we breathe to make the virus less effective,” Mansoor Ali mentions.
Even Dr Shashank Joshi, task force member, Maharashtra state and leading endocrinologist, has re-iterated the significance of controlling indoor air quality as an additional yet important aspect of breaking the chain in the air itself apart from the COVID appropriate behaviour which every human being have to get ingrained.
According to research, the COVID virus can survive at least two weeks after drying at temperature and humidity conditions found in an air-conditioned environment. So, given the research and the extraordinary work he and his team is doing in our tropical climate, maintaining the humidity to temperature ratio in our indoor spaces is very important to keep the virus at bay!